Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate

For 2 years I've been testing various combinations for the homemade hot chocolate recipe and I'm glad that I didn't rush to show you any of them so far. Many times this perfectionism in choosing recipes can be annoying, but this is the only way I am sure that the tested recipes will have a high success rate for the ones who read them on the site and cook them. It happened the same with this dense and creamy hot chocolate - this is exactly how I wanted it to be and now I made it to my taste.

It was a challenge because I also wanted low-carb hot chocolate, with a few good and safe ingredients - this was the problem I had to solve! The solution impressed me. I realized we only complicate things with powdered milk, starch, when the basis is actually dark chocolate. This is hot CHOCOLATE... not a drink containing powdered milk, starch, flavorings etc.

Now let's stop the talking, below you will find the perfect homemade hot chocolate recipe - dense, silky, creamy and adjustable to everyone's taste. See all the details in steps and indulge in a cup of hot chocolate - because you're worth it!

Dark chocolate
50 g
choose 70-80% chocolate for a more intense taste
Heavy cream (32% fat)
300 ml
in the vegan version you can replace with coconut milk
Cacao powder
2 tbsp
Brown sugar
3 tbsp
I used xylitol and stevia - so sweeten with whatever you like
0.25 tsp
Cinnamon powder
0.5 tsp
optional, other flavors too, according to preferences - vanilla, rum etc.
300 ml
you can replace it with regular or vegan milk
Step by step
Step 1

In a small bowl, mix well 2 tablespoons of cocoa with 2-3 tablespoons of sweetener/sugar, salt and cinnamon (if you want).

Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate - Step 1
Step 2

Add 300ml of cold water little at a time, mix carefully with a whisk until all the ingredients dissolve well and the mixture is not lumpy.

You can also use a spoon to stir, but you may have a lot of lumps - so it's good to have a whisk at home :)

Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate - Step 2
Step 3

Ladle this cocoa mixture into a small saucepan.

Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate - Step 3
Step 4

Add in the sweet cream and mix well.

Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate - Step 4
Step 5

Place the pan over heat and bring to a boil. Stir periodically and take care, this mixture gets foamy and can easily spill over when boiling.

Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate - Step 5
Step 6

As soon as it starts to boil, remove from the heat, add 50g of dark chocolate and let sit for 5 minutes without stirring.

Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate - Step 6
Step 7

By now, the chocolate will have softened and you can start stirring to incorporate. Whisk until chocolate has dissolved completely.

Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate - Step 7
Step 8

At this stage, I recommend trying it so that you can adjust its taste and texture:

- if you want it less dense, meaning more liquid, add a little hot water or boiled milk;

- if, on the contrary, you want it thicker, add 10-15g of dark chocolate and incorporate it;

- adjust the sweetness - various brands of dark chocolate are more or less sweet, so change according to your taste;

- season with flavors - I'm minimalist, I add vanilla and occasionally a little cinnamon - the rest must be chocolate flavor!

Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate - Step 8
Step 9

You can serve right away, now it has the perfect temperature - neither too hot nor too cold.

It's also good if you reheat it later (maybe add some more milk/water), you can even keep in the fridge until the next day.


Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate - Step 9
Quantity: 650 ml (3-4 servings)
Prep time:
10 min
Difficulty: easy
Ready in: 10 min