Homemade Cappuccino

A year ago I would have never thought of posting a cappuccino recipe. It was only natural to be able to go to a cafe and have a cappuccino with family or friends. Since we couldn't go out like before anymore, I started missing a good cappuccino, so I learned to make a delicious one at home. It's wonderful and it can be adapted to any taste - espresso or instant coffee, decaf, inka (my girls call it inkaccino). In the morning, you can make a regular cappuccino, with simple or vegetable milk and in the evening, a decaf.

Of course, with a proper coffee machine you can make a great milk foam but here I wanted you to see how to prepare cappuccino easily, without any special tools. Then you can sweeten it with whatever you like, I chose here brown sugar cubes.

50 ml
whichever you prefer
100 ml
3.5% fat, can be replaced with vegetable milk, but with a less impressive foam
Brown sugar
2 pieces
2 cubes, optional
Cinnamon powder
0.25 tsp
Step by step
Step 1

For cappuccino, it is recommended a small cup, about 200ml capacity.

So pick the right cup.

Homemade Cappuccino - Step 1
Step 2

After that, prepare 50ml coffee with your favourite method - espresso, in a coffee pot, instant etc. I like it a bit stronger, so that I can properly feel its taste together with the milk.

Homemade Cappuccino - Step 2
Step 3

Cappuccino sweetened with brown sugar is very tasty. I like to use the cubes, they are easier to handle.

Sweeten your coffee as you wish.

Homemade Cappuccino - Step 3
Step 4

Now, because not everybody has got special equipment to foam the milk, I will show you how it's done in a simple way, only with a 700ml jar with lid.

Homemade Cappuccino - Step 4
Step 5

First, heat the milk. It shouldn't be boiling, just hot enough, about 60 degrees C. I usually microwave it for 1 minute. 

Pour into the jar and tightly screw the lid on.

Homemade Cappuccino - Step 5
Step 6

Start to shake the jar carefully, making sure milk doesn't come out and splash. 

Keep shaking the jar for about 1 minute.

Homemade Cappuccino - Step 6
Step 7

Now pour the coffee into the cup you are going to prepare the cappuccino.

Homemade Cappuccino - Step 7
Step 8

Start pouring in the milk from the jar, at first, it will be just milk, without the foam.

Homemade Cappuccino - Step 8
Step 9

Then comes the foam, make it look nice on top.

Homemade Cappuccino - Step 9
Step 10

Optionally, dust with cinnamon or cocoa powder over the top.

Serve and savour right away.


Homemade Cappuccino - Step 10
Quantity: 200 ml (1 portie)
Prep time:
5 min
Difficulty: easy
Ready in: 5 min