Romanian Jam-Filled Rugelach Cookies

Celebrate family traditions with our cherished Romanian Jam Rugelach Cookies. An heirloom recipe passed down from generations, these delightful treats are a staple at our holiday feasts. Originally prepared with lard, we've modified the recipe to use butter for a superior, light, and tender texture with a hint of buttery flavor.

These crispy rugelach cookies can be filled with Turkish delight, cherries, or your preferred jam combined with chopped walnuts to create a smooth paste. The sweet and tart combination of powdered sugar, soft dough, and sour cherries creates an outstanding contrast that never fails to delight our taste buds.

Sour Cream(20%)
200 g
200 g
melted and cooled
Active dry yeast
1 tsp
or a fresh yeast piece
All-Purpose Flour
400 g
adjust as needed until dough no longer sticks
300 g
jam with nuts, cherries, or Turkish delight, as per your preference
Powdered sugar
300 g
Step by step
Step 1

Melt the butter over low heat.

Romanian Jam-Filled Rugelach Cookies - Step 1
Step 2

Pour the cream into your dough-preparation bowl.

Romanian Jam-Filled Rugelach Cookies - Step 2
Step 3

Stir in the melted butter, followed by the yeast.

Romanian Jam-Filled Rugelach Cookies - Step 3
Step 4

Gradually incorporate the flour, only adding enough to achieve a soft, non-sticky dough.

Romanian Jam-Filled Rugelach Cookies - Step 4
Step 5

Let the dough cool for 10-15 minutes or longer if needed.

Knead briefly once more after cooling.

Romanian Jam-Filled Rugelach Cookies - Step 5
Step 6

Divide the dough into 14-16 walnut-sized pieces.

Roll these into balls on a floured surface.

Romanian Jam-Filled Rugelach Cookies - Step 6
Step 7

Roll each dough ball into a thin, round sheet of about 1.5-2 mm thickness. Cut into 8 uniform strips, add a bit of filling to each, and roll them up.

To speed up the process, consider working with a partner - one person applies the filling, the other rolls.

Romanian Jam-Filled Rugelach Cookies - Step 7
Step 8

Arrange the rugelach on a baking tray and bake for 20 minutes at 180°C (the dough's butter content prevents sticking, so no greasing necessary).

Romanian Jam-Filled Rugelach Cookies - Step 8
Step 9

Remove the rugelach from the oven when they turn slightly pink. Avoid browning, as it can lead to overly dry cookies.

Romanian Jam-Filled Rugelach Cookies - Step 9
Step 10

Transfer the rugelach to a plate and let them cool completely.

Romanian Jam-Filled Rugelach Cookies - Step 10
Step 11

Dust the cooled rugelach with powdered sugar (vanilla powdered sugar is especially tasty). Store them in a bag or box. They can last up to 1-2 weeks, though they're often enjoyed much sooner!

Enjoy your homemade Romanian Jam Rugelach Cookies!

Romanian Jam-Filled Rugelach Cookies - Step 11
Quantity: 1 kg (a full tray, see step 11)
Prep time:
60 min
Difficulty: easy
Ready in: 60 min