Microwave Polenta Recipe

Today again I will show you how technical progress influences the way you cook - it reduces the cooking time, everything is simple and very good.

And I said to show you how to make polenta in a modern style, although I do it in a very good pot, here I really didn't expect to be very impressed - but I was. In 15 minutes I had the polenta ready, my effort was minimal, and the polenta was unexpectedly fluffy, swollen, very good.

Yellow cornmeal
1 cup
3 cups
1 tsp
to taste
Step by step
Step 1

Measure flour and water - generally 1 unit of flour goes to 3 units of water. Put them in the microwave bowl and mix with a whisk.

Microwave Polenta Recipe - Step 1
Step 2

Put the lid and leave it in the microwave for 5 minutes.

After this time, take it out of the oven, mix well so that it is not lumpy.

Microwave Polenta Recipe - Step 2
Step 3

Put the lids back on and leave in the microwave for another 5 minutes.

Microwave Polenta Recipe - Step 3
Step 4

After this time, stir once more to make it even.

Microwave Polenta Recipe - Step 4
Step 5

Now add the salt, mix well.

Be careful, salt and other spices are not put in the microwave rice cooker, only water and flour or rice.

Microwave Polenta Recipe - Step 5
Step 6

And here's the polenta, good and fluffy - you know how to combine it, in the fastest and easiest way with some butter, cream, cheese, etc.

Good appetite!

Microwave Polenta Recipe - Step 6
Quantity: 500 g (3 servings)
Prep time:
10 min
Difficulty: easy
Ready in: 6 min