Buckwheat Soup

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Buckwheat Soup

A very good, delicious and healthy soup - even my 2-year-old daughter always eats it very well. In addition, buckwheat contains a lot of trace elements, vitamins, fiber and protein - it is one of the best cereals. I learned to make soup from my grandmother and mother, buckwheat being the staple food in Ukraine and just as popular in Russia. I will continue to put recipes with buckwheat and the perfect method to boil it for the garnish.

If you do not have buckwheat you can use rice or pasta for this soup.


Chicken breast
1 piece
you can use another type of meat, I made it more dietary for the baby
White onion
1 piece
1 piece
2 pieces
1 piece
1 piece
I used cherry tomatoes frozen by myself in the summer season
2 tbsp
Laurel leaves
3 pieces
Sunflower oil
3 tbsp
Chopped parsley
2 tbsp

Step by step

Step 1

Wash the chicken breast well and boil it in 2-3 liters of water. When it starts to boil, turn down the heat and let it boil for 10 minutes.

Buckwheat Soup - Step 1
Step 2

Then remove the breast from the water in which it boiled, rinse it well. Discard the water and wash the pan in which it boiled well (do the procedure for meat bought commercially, for meat grown in organic conditions is not necessary, just froth the soup well).

Now put the breast in the pan again with 2-3 liters of filtered water, when it starts to boil add the chopped onion of your choice and the bay leaf.

Buckwheat Soup - Step 2
Step 3

Add 3 tablespoons of oil, finely chopped tomatoes, or if you do not have - diced canned tomatoes or frozen tomatoes (I used frozen cherry tomatoes from the summer, bought from the market). Make a low heat and simmer under the lid for about 30-40 minutes.

Buckwheat Soup - Step 3
Step 4

Meanwhile, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Wash the buckwheat well, wash it like rice in 2-3 waters.

Buckwheat Soup - Step 4
Step 5

Peel, wash and chop the carrots, potatoes and parsley root. You can put another half of onion, if you use it and you like it in food.

Buckwheat Soup - Step 5
Step 6

After the meat has boiled, add the vegetables and buckwheat, make a high heat until it starts to boil well, then stir and make a low heat again. Let it simmer for another 20-25 minutes, until the vegetables are cooked (buckwheat is still boiling well during this time).

Buckwheat Soup - Step 6
Step 7

After the vegetables are cooked, add the salt soup, add the finely chopped parsley, stir and turn off the heat. Cover the pan with a lid and let it penetrate well for 10-15 minutes.

It is very good food for children and for those who adhere to a healthy and tasty diet.

In the vegetarian version, boil buckwheat only with vegetables, oil and bay leaf.

Good appetite!

Buckwheat Soup - Step 7
Quantity: 3 l (5-6 servings)
Prep time: 60 min
Difficulty: easy
Ready in: 20 min
Publish date:
Collections: Soups

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