Homemade Chocolate Sauce

Homemade Chocolate Sauce

A straightforward chocolate sauce that is easy to make and endlessly versatile, perfect for drizzling over pancakes, enhancing desserts, and layering in cakes.

This dairy-free recipe offers a smooth and silky texture, making it ideal for those observing dietary restrictions. It can be refrigerated for extended storage, ready to use whenever needed.

For a low-calorie version, substitute the sugar with your preferred sweetener.


Cacao powder
40 g
I used 40% dark cocoa
125 g
90 g

Step by step

Step 1

In a small saucepan, combine water and sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar dissolves completely.

Homemade Chocolate Sauce - Step 1
Step 2

Once boiling, add the cocoa powder, whisking constantly until smooth.

Homemade Chocolate Sauce - Step 2
Step 3

Allow it to simmer for another minute, then remove from heat. 

Stir well and let it cool.

Homemade Chocolate Sauce - Step 3
Step 4

The cooler it gets, the thicker it becomes, yet it maintains a sauce-like consistency.

If using as a cake syrup, dilute with a little warm water or brewed coffee—not exceeding 100ml.

Homemade Chocolate Sauce - Step 4
Step 5

And it's done! Quick, inexpensive, and delicious.

Perfect for storing in the fridge, ready for when you need chocolate sauce on ice cream or pancakes.


Homemade Chocolate Sauce - Step 5
Quantity: 500 g
Prep time: 30 min
Difficulty: easy
Ready in: 10 min
Publish date:
Source: niksya.ru

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