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Step by step
Step 1
In a larger bowl, mix the dry ingredients - flour, coconut, sugar and baking powder.
Step 2
Add to this composition soy milk and vanilla essence, mix well - and the dough is ready!
Step 3
Pour 2/3 of this dough into a tray lined with baking paper (or greased with oil and lined with flour) - my tray was 28 cm in diameter.
In the rest of the dough add cocoa and mix well to even out.
Step 4
Pour the cocoa stuffing into the tray - spread it with a spoon on the whole surface then with a toothpick or knife spread it carefully - to make a kind of zebra more impressionistic :)
Step 5
Place the pan in the oven for about 40 minutes at 200 degrees. Remove it when it passes the toothpick test and it is a little brown - be careful with browning, if you leave it too long it will be drier, so it should be slightly brown .
Step 6
Let it cool completely, then portion it and serve with great pleasure .... and this is not a way to end the recipe - it's a pleasure - it pleased all my guests who tasted it, especially at Children.
Good appetite!
Step 7
And here is a bonus picture :)
So you see, it's as simple to prepare as a child can be. 
(It's just the same cake that I made another time, in another bowl and Sofia helped me)
10 pieces
(10-12 servings)
Prep time:
45 min
Ready in:
15 min
Publish date: